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The Government of NCT Delhi vide F.184/Addl.LC/Holiday-ELection/2019/5487-5493, has released Notice regarding declaration of election holiday in NCT Delhi on 05/02/2025. Please refer notice for more details.


Click here to read the notification

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The Government of Meghalaya vide No.LE&SD.9/2023/101, has released Meghalaya Minimum Wages Notification for scheduled employment with effect from 01st January 2025. Please refer notification for more details.

Class of Employment Total Per Day
Unskilled 525
Semi-skilled 565
Skilled 605
Highly Skilled 645


Click here to read the notification


Please take a printout of the enclosed minimum wage revision circular and prominently display it at the entrance of the office/factory premises so that all employees can easily read it.


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The Government of Kerala, Labour and Skills (E) Department has revised the variable dearness allowance for employment in Shops and Commercial Establishment and employment in Computer Software Sector. As per the Notification No.DES/1251/2024-P3(1),The Consumer Price Index (Cost of Living Index) Numbers applicable to employees in employment under the Minimum Wages Act (Central Act XI of 1948) for the month of November 2024 as ascertained by the Director General of Economics & Statistics under clause (C) of Section 2 of the Act. Please refer press release for more details.

Grade District Total Per Month Basic General Basic IT DA General DA IT Special Allowance Minimum Wages General Minimum Wages IT
Special Thiruvananthapuram 14504 9330 0 5174 0 200 14704 0
Grade A Thiruvananthapuram 14294 9120 21330 5174 3614 200 14494 24944
Grade B Thiruvananthapuram 14084 8910 19950 5174 3614 200 14284 23564
Grade C Thiruvananthapuram 13874 8700 18700 5174 3614 200 14074 22314
Grade D Thiruvananthapuram 13664 8490 17560 5174 3614 200 13864 21174
Grade E Thiruvananthapuram 13454 8280 16520 5174 3614 200 13654 20134
Grade F Thiruvananthapuram 0 0 15570 0 3614 0 0 19184
Grade G Thiruvananthapuram 0 0 15120 0 3614 0 0 18734
Grade H Thiruvananthapuram 0 0 13470 0 3614 0 0 17084
Grade I Thiruvananthapuram 0 0 13110 0 3614 0 0 16724
Special Kollam 14348 9330 0 5018 0 200 14548 0
Grade A Kollam 14138 9120 21330 5018 3458 200 14338 24788
Grade B Kollam 13928 8910 19950 5018 3458 200 14128 23408
Grade C Kollam 13718 8700 18700 5018 3458 200 13918 22158
Grade D Kollam 13508 8490 17560 5018 3458 200 13708 21018
Grade E Kollam 13298 8280 16520 5018 3458 200 13498 19978
Grade F Kollam 0 0 15570 0 3458 0 0 19028<